

Focusing on the prevailed deteriorating condition of the society, MAPS extends its mission of developing the practice of YOGA by involving parents with the school fraternity. It has been well observed that human being is now struggling with one or the other health issues and Yoga wonderfully helps in increasing immunity and innate spirit of the people. Moreover, we are pleased to relate that regular practice of Yoga among our children has sharpened their memory and reduced aggression. It has also strengthened their concentration power. Therefore our mission would bear more fruits if we attach parents also in it and let them be a part of the good cause.

Maharaja Agarsain Public School has been built with the intention of ...

  • Channelizing the energy of the youth in a constructive way towards innovation and self- realization.
  • Constantly motivating a group of achievers who are propelled by the thought of continued learning.
  • Providing knowledge, and inculcating skills, which will be relevant in our increasingly fast-paced world.
  • Benchmarking excellence in education and applying it as a reference.
  • Instilling a ‘Can-Do’ Attitude in its students.
  • Putting together an inter-active and experimental curriculum.
  • Rendering a culture of child-centric and child-focused education.
  • Preparing students for showcasing and exhibiting them on the global stage.
  • Developing each of its students as pedagogical learners – competent and confident who can excel in all spheres of life.
  • Partnering parents with a vowed intention of sculpting their child’s personality.
  • Creating competencies rooted in ethical culture and values.
  • Providing an environment for an easy adaptability to change
  • Nurturing and fostering the spirit of universal- brotherhood, team work and mutual comprehension which would aid the children in broadening their mental horizon and perspective.